Recently I have been on a cleaning protest. You know the kind, you are sick of cleaning up after everyone and just one dirty sock tips you over the edge, so you just QUIT. Well, today I ended my protest, it has not been gung ho by any stretch...I mean, I am maintaining mellow status, of course.
So I woke up today, leisurely read a book in bed while Mike fed the kids; then I moved to the couch, where I leisurely read while the kids cuddled with me. Bliss!!
Oh, wait, back to the cleaning thing. After my great morning...I commenced to clean. Organizing the clothes in my room that get strewn over the recumbent bike was quick, until, the kids joined me. First Brandon, always chivalrous and complimentary said it looked great and then jumped on the bed where all the clothes were folded and neatly arranged. (I said the organizing was quick, the putting away takes a bit longer.) I kicked him off the bed, only to have him summon his sister, "Come see what Mom did, Em! Her room is clean!" She dashes in and vaults herself onto my bed, as if her very life depended on wrecking those piles. Is it any wonder I went on strike? It's a vicious cycle to clean with kids. Almost futile. They refuse to pick up after themselves, but boy, once I decide to clean up...they are right there. And, before you ask or suggest, "Do you give them jobs and tools to help?" You bet! Dusters, mops, brooms, special colored sponges, all purchased to entice them. They will help, but is that really helping?
So I soldier on. Cleaning, witnessing the messing, cleaning... The thought of everyone wearing fresh clean clothes from the laundry makes me shudder. I am going to end up washing the stuff eventually. Now is maybe not a good time to suggest nudism as a house rule.
My ducklings follow me everywhere. They talk like me, act like me. If I have a cup of coffee, they want one too. If I say I don't like the color yellow, neither do they. If I leave the room, they follow. Even when I say 'I love you', they repeat it back.
A sign in our kitchen reads, "A clean house is a sign of a misspent life."
It's almost a motto for me, but could lead my friends to call "Hoarders", so I am going to finish my chores, this minute.
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