Forgetful Jones was one of my favorite characters on Sesame Street. When I was a kid, I thought anybody with the same last name must be related, even cartoons and ultimately my Uncle Indy. (Indiana Jones, of course)
Now back to the point of this post:
As an adult, ole 'Forgetful Jones" labels me more recently due to my new found scatterbrain. This week alone, I locked myself and the kids out of the house. Had I thought a bit harder, I would have remembered placing the house keys in the center console of the old SUV. Today adds more chaos, as I put the keys to the new van in my vest pocket. I changed coats and subsequently left the keys in the van, locked the door and trotted off the playground. 1 hour later I discovered the mishap. My new friend, Courtney, offered me the use of her car, mind you we've known each other a month and stayed at the park while I drove to procure my spare keys. It dawned on me as I turned into my 'hood that I locked my house keys in the van too. A quick call to the in laws got no answer, panic set in. I detoured to check their house, and much to my relief Dad was in the garage. Cheers to Courtney and Dad!!
I do so miss the driver door keypad from the Explorer.
You poor thing. What an adventure you have had. Glad you had someone to help you.