From Lake Tahoe to San Jose and Sly Park to Santa Cruz, we had a great summer. The kids love trips to anyplace and especially those requiring a hotel stay or a tent.
This summer's Tour of California, well central valley and coast---maybe 'I-80 corridor tour', was fantastic. We started with a family vacation to Tahoe with my in laws. Beautiful days and nights along with lake swimming, hot tubbing and assorted arcade fun. Sadly, I left early to attend a funeral for my dear cousin, Renee. She will be missed greatly, but remembered fondly for her kindness, love of family and all around spit-fire nature. Mike and the kids stayed in Tahoe and enjoyed several more days visiting with the family.
We attended a family wedding in July. Brandon & Emily had the honor of ring bearer and flower girl, respectively. They enjoyed dressing up and riding in a limo. We drove to Stanford for pictures and the setting was wonderful. Hind sight tends to rear it's head on me, reminding me that I did not attend a university, but I've been on plenty of university campuses and in the end they are all good for one thing.....education of alcohol consumption. I have a doctorate.
Anyway, off subject there a bit. The wedding was so fun and featured a mariachi band, an overnight at the Hilton and a hungover husband.
Sly Park was a short jaunt up the highway and we needed it to beat the heat. A great day with the Kuhlman family, with whom we are growing closer since they moved within driving distance. A blessing we have waited for for 14 years. Yay!
Our last trip was to New Brighton Beach. This was the site of my first camping trip with Mike before we were married. We love sharing it with our children, friends and family. This year, we ventured with our campers-in-training, the Goetzes. The kids have been friends since birth and they get along better than siblings. The beach was beautiful and not too busy. We visited Santa Cruz for pizza one evening and each day we got coffee delivered thanks to a techno junkie who needed a Wi-Fi fix.
Back to school has drained me. I now think back to the beginning of summer and relish the days I spent in my pajamas, letting the kids veg out on Disney channel and feeding them granola bars and cheese sticks for lunch. We have now been initiated to 2 carpools. There is homework and
starvation. (I hear this every hour from Brandon) It's drama!
So, here I am, 11:37 pm on Sunday night. The week before me is busy. I could not ask for more, I am happy and excited for all of it. We have ballet, lunch dates, coffee dates, soccer, play dates, birthdays. And at some point I have got to get my 'September Morn' ear worm taken care of. Someone call Neil Diamond. I hope we all dance until the night becomes a brand new day.

Brandon's first day of school with photo bombing Emily.